How To Put In Halo Extensions

If you are new to halo hair extensions, it can seem tricky to put one on. They are actually super easy and quick to put in and once you practice a couple of times you will be able to put your halo on with your eyes closed (or at least without a mirror!) I have had several clients who are the most low maintenance, who usually don’t even style their hair, figure out how to put in halo extensions super quickly, so I can confidently say that anyone can do it after a few practice runs.

I want to make sure to set you up for success by giving you a step by step and sharing a few of my tips to make putting in a halo super easy so that you will be able to wear it any time you want without stress.


  1. Section the top of your hair out and clip it up out of the way. The section you want to clip up is about an inch back from your hair line, a few inches about your ears, and right below your occipital bone or where your head starts to curve back in towards your neck.

  2. Place the wire first and then slide the halo down into place. You want the halo to be snug but not too tight where it could “pop off”. It should feel like its hugging your head comfortably.

  3. Drop the top section of your hair and take your comb and go over the wire to lock your halo into place. If you need, go around and lightly come the rest to blend your halo into your natural hair.


Ready for a custom halo? Fill out my Halo Inquiry Form


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